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The magnetotherapeutic device with the running pulse field "ALMAG - 02", JSC Elatomsky Instrument Plant (Russia), therapy by low - frequency it is low - an intensive magnetic field of a wide range of diseases. It is intended for a local magnetotherapy by the running and pulse magnetic field for use in physiotherapeutic departments, offices of general practitioners, health posts, and also in house conditions patients according to the recommendation of the doctor.
The medical effect of the running pulse magnetic field of ALMAG - 02 is caused by anesthetizing, antiedematous, ANTIINFLAMMATORY AND STIMULATING exchange processes action. Technical parameters of the magnetotherapeutic device Almag - 02:- Types of magnetic fields: running pulse MT, motionless pulse MT;
- Modes of exposure: continuous, discontinuous;
- The directions of the movement of magnetic impulses on the main radiator: across, down, on diagonal;
- Intensity of a magnetic field: 2 - 45 mtl;
- Frequency of following of impulses of a magnetic field from 1 to 100 Hz;
- Duration of procedure is from 1 to 30 min.
Programs of influences (program) in which parameters and characteristics of a magnetic field, and also influence time for certain radiators are put are stored in memory of the device at numbers. Number of the appropriate program is specified in a treatment technique.
The device ALMAG - 02 provides indication of the following parameters and the modes:
- Turns of the programme;
- Exposure time;
- Malfunction code;
- Availability of magnetotherapeutic influence;
- Activation/deactivations of radiators;
ALMAG - 02 is most effective for treatment and rehabilitation:
- Neurologic diseases;
- Musculoskeletal system diseases;
- Vascular diseases;
- Complications of a diabetes mellitus;
- Cardiological diseases;
- Injuries and surgical interventions;
- Gastroenterological diseases;
- Diseases of a respiratory organs.
The set of radiators is included in the package of Almag - 02:
- The main radiator - OI (consists of the 4th rulers integrated among themselves radiating, each of which consists of 4 inductors);
- The separate ruler radiating flexible - LEAGUES (consists of 6 inductors);
Parameters and characteristics of a magnetic field same as at the POLYMAGICIAN, but are set only in the program way. At the same time ALMAG - 02 is desktop and is especially convenient for use in chambers of hospitals for treatment of patients whose movement is limited.
These features do it not replaceable in cases when use of the physiotherapeutic equipment is limited to opportunities of medical institution – territorial, financial. When in staff there is no physiotherapist, procedures are released by average medical personnel and the physical therapy is actively used in medical process. In all cases, and it is policlinics, sanatoria, the small medical centers use of the device does not cause difficulties and the effect gives optimum on a ratio price/efficiency.
The device can become the excellent assistant at home and in sanatoria, at treatment of the diseases which are not demanding the general influence. For example, backbone osteochondrosis with a radicular syndrome, a varicosis, an idiopathic hypertensia. At treatment of these diseases impact on 2 zones is required. If in sanatorium there is a POLYMAGICIAN and on it turn, then for unloading of the POLYMAGICIAN use ALMAGA - 02 instead of acquisition of the second POLIMAGA is quite justified.
The device perfectly will suit the small medical centers. As a rule, there is a problem of limitation of the area, and the large - size equipment not absolutely approaches. And it is easy to remove this device, having released working space for other purposes.
- Against course chemotherapy and radiation therapy use of a pulse magnetic field is not contraindicated!
- Availability of stents or state after aortocoronary shunting by contraindication to treatment is not.
Main advantages of Almag - 02:
- The programmed influence parameters;
- Simplicity of use;
- Local and zone influence at the expense of several options of radiators;
- The high penetration depth of a magnetic field allowing to carry out impact on internals;
- High quality;
- Small weight of radiators and small overall dimensions.