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The magnetotherapeutic device with the running pulse field "ALMAG - 01", JSC Elatomsky Instrument Plant (Russia), is intended for rendering therapeutic impact on a human body by the pulse running magnetic field in MPI and the patient in HOUSE CONDITIONS.
The device influences the struck bodies the running pulse magnetic field and promotes removal of symptoms of an inflammation, disappearance of pain, working capacity return, will allow to reduce amount of medicines. Thanks to effect of BIMP and distribution of a magnetic field on several radiators, when carrying out procedures in the area of influence at the same time there is practically all backbone, considerable volume of internals, big surface area of a body or the most part of an extremity of the patient.
To 40 - year age most of Kazakhstan citizens begin to feel periodic backbone pains, including dorsodynias and joint pains.
How ALMAG - 01 influences a human body?
The most effective factor of power influence of a magnetic field of the device is interaction with charged particles that leads to strengthening of an intracellular and intercellular exchange. Under the influence of a magnetic field interaction between the chemical elements participating in oxidation - reduction processes that improves a metabolism in fabrics and cells of a human body considerably amplifies recovers ionization process that is very important (! ) since the ionic condition of substance is the most active. In comparison with constants and variables sinusoidal the running pulse magnetic field (RPMF) possesses the greatest biological activity since has the maximum number of biotropny parameters that provides the maximum spatio - temporal heterogeneity of this view of the field.
BIMP representing the difficult heterogeneous field changing in time and space generates the magnetotherapeutic device ALMAG - 01. Serial inclusion of four sources of BIMP creates effect of movement of a magnetic field in space, omagnichivat big, than in the available devices, part of a body of the patient, excludes a possibility of mutual influence of sources and distortion of power lines of a magnetic field. Use of BIMP excludes adaptation of an organism to influence because control and adaptation systems do not manage to react to continuous "movement" of a source of influence and change of a phase.
According to researches and the constructed charts penetration depth of the electromagnetic field in the patient's body much more, than the existing devices, also makes 6 - 8 cm that allows to influence directly to them different internals of the person.
The used frequency of repetition of electromagnetic impulses of 6,25 Hz gets to the range of biologically active frequencies of 4 — 16 Hz opened by the American biologist Adee (Adee U. R. "Cooperative mechanisms of a susceptibility of brain fabric to external and internal fields. Human physiology". ) is also the biological frequency having the rhythm close to a normal rhythm of different biological frequencies of a human body, such as an encephalogram of a brain and others. Imposing in these cases of strictly rhythmical magnetic field contributes to normalization of an electrocondition of the affected bodies and fabrics. Thus, the device ALMAG - 01 is a new effective remedy of treatment of many eurysynusic diseases.
Influence of a magnetic field brings in blockade of carrying out nervous impulses that leads to removal of muscular spasms. Blood circulation and blood supply due to increase in a gleam of capillary vessels improves, there is an essential antiedematous effect.
Technical parameters of the magnetotherapeutic device Almag - 01:
- Power supply of the device is carried out from the alternating current main with a frequency of 50 Hz, of 220B ( - 10% , + 10% ) or 230B ( - 10% , + 6% );
- The power consumed by the device from a network, no more than 35 VA;
- The mass of the device is no more than 0,62 kg;
- Quantity of nodes of influence – 4;
- Amplitude value of magnetic induction on a working surface (both flat parties) of the coil inductor of bobbin group of the device makes (20±6) mtl;
- Duration of an impulse makes 1,5 - 2,5 ms;
- Frequency of following of impulses of a magnetic field in each of coils - 6 Hz;
- Turning on of the device in a network is followed by the light alarm system;
- The device ensures functioning in the repeated and short - term mode within 6 hours: operating time (22±1) min. , break of 10 min. ;
- The device is automatically switched - off from a network in (22±1) min. ;
- At operation the device is steady against influence of climatic factors in accordance with GOST 15150 - 69 and GOST P 50444 - 92 for execution of UHL of category of products 4.2;
- The device at transportation is steady against influence of climatic factors in accordance with GOST 15150 - 69 for group of conditions 5, at storage – for group of conditions 2;
- Outside surfaces of the device are steady against disinfection by a chemical method on OST 42 - 21 - 2 - 85: 3% hydrogen peroxide solution from 0,5% of "Lotus" detergent or 1% chloroamine solution;
- Average term of service – five years. Criterion of a limit condition of the device is the impossibility of its recovery at maintenance to compliance to requirements of item 1.1.4, or technical and economic inexpediency of its further operation;
- The materials used in a device design provide lack of the irritating and allergic action according to requirements of GOST P 50444 - 92;
- The maximum temperature of the body of the device after one cycle of work on item 2.9 no more than 45 °C, the maximum temperature of a node of influence - no more than 41 °C.
Overall dimensions of the device:
- the electronic block – 137 x 60 x 45 mm;
- influence node (one of coils) – 15 x 90 mm.
Indications to use of the Almag - 01 device:
Musculoskeletal system diseases:
- Backbone osteochondrosis with a reflex radicular syndrome;
- Cervical osteochondrosis;
- Deormiruyushchy osteoarthrosis;
- Arthritises and arthroses of different joints;
- Bursitis;
- Damages of a musculoskeletal system and their effect:
- Fractures of bones;
- Internal injuries of joints;
- Posttraumatic contracture of joints;
- Wounds;
- Bruises of soft tissues;
- Hematomas;
- Injuries of ligaments and muscles;
- Posttraumatic swelled;
- Inertly healing purulent wounds;
- Phlegmons;
- Burns.
- Idiopathic hypertensia of the I - II degree;
- Obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of the lower extremities (obliterating endarteritis);
- Gastrointestinal tract diseases:
- Pancreatitis in subacute and chronic stages of a disease;
- Dyskinesia of zhelchevyvodyashchy ways;
- Chronic gastritis;
- Peptic ulcer of a stomach and 12 - perstny gut;
- Diseases of female generative organs:
- Inflammatory diseases of a uterus and appendages during subsiding of acute process;
- The diseases caused by a hypo - ovaria;
- Complications after operational delivery (Cesarean section).
Diseases of venous system of upper and lower extremities:
- Shin deep vein thrombosis;
- Ileofemoralny thrombosis of the lower extremities, acute and chronic;
- Chronic thrombophlebitis in a stage of trophic frustration;
- Thrombosis of a subclavial vein;
- State after a phlebectomy;
- Complications of a diabetes mellitus:
- Diabetic angiopatiya;
- Diabetic polyneuropathy;
- Dermatological diseases:
- Pruritic dermatosis;
- States after skin plastic surgeries;
- Chronic nonspecific diseases of lungs:
- Chronic bronchitis;
- Chronic pneumonia;
- Bronchial asthma.
Neurologic diseases:
- Diseases of a peripheral nervous system;
- Vascular diseases of a brain (at a combination of passing disturbances of cerebral circulation to chronic coronary heart disease).
Contraindications of Almag - 01:
- Inflammatory diseases during the acute period;
- Bleeding and bent to it;
- The expressed hypotonia;
- Purulent processes before surgical treatment;
- Heavy course of coronary heart disease;
- Early postinfarction period;
- Acute period of disturbance of cerebral circulation;
- Pregnancy;
- General diseases of blood;
- Oncological diseases;
- Thyrotoxicosis;
- Diencephalic syndrome;
- Availability of the implanted pacemaker in an influence zone.
Advantages of Almag - 01:
It is no secret that today most of the people occupied with brainwork have much more problems with health, than those who are busy with hard physical work. Now the negative impact of the computer and a sedentary life is known to all. As to fight against it — know not many.
Use of the device will help to avoid such diseases as:
- Osteochondrosis from long stay in one pose;
- Decrease in visual acuity;
- Headaches due to disturbance of cerebral circulation;
- Neurasthenia, depressions;
- Slackness of muscles;
- Locks, meteorism, hemorrhoids;
- Prostate diseases owing to developments of stagnation.
The term of operation of the device makes from five to eight years. The device can be used at treatment and prevention of a huge number of diseases. Therefore it is necessary to estimate the level of costs of its acquisition proceeding from these parameters.
At the same time it is necessary to know that practically all non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs which are used in treatment of osteochondroses, arthritises and arthroses in fact are symptomatic. They effectively take off pain, but, alas, do not treat at all. At the same time pose the real threat for a liver and a spleen. The long use of Rheopyrinum, Rumalonum, indometacin is capable to lead to development of toxic hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Important value has the fact that the acquired device of Almag will be at your disposal at any time. At foremost symptoms of the approaching disease you will be able to get it and to take the appropriate measures. You should not reach a physiotherapeutic office of policlinic any more, to stand numerous turns, and then to take the cool air which nullifies all efforts of doctors.
ALMAG will save you from long lines at medical offices, will save money for drugs as it allows or to do in general without them, or to reduce a dose, and it is possible to use it not month and not year, and much longer.