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Left-luggage offices of the sterile UFK-1 tools – Medical Store, TOO |
Buy Left-luggage offices of the sterile UFK-1 tools
Left-luggage offices of the sterile UFK-1 tools

Left-luggage offices of the sterile UFK-1 tools

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5010.93 TJS
Kazakhstan, Almaty
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9 years on Allbiz
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Left - luggage offices of the sterile UFK - 1 tools

Ultra - violet chambers are intended for storage of previously sterilized medical tools for the purpose of prevention of their secondary kontamination by microorganisms. Are applied to any profile of medical activity: in stomatologic offices, MPI, laboratories, scientific research institute and so forth medical establishments; in rooms where work with sterile medical tools is carried out. Chambers provide constant availability for service of medical tools in the course of their long (till 7 days) storages. The principle of work is based on use of ultra - violet radiation which source are bactericidal lamps ("Philips"). Average service life of a lamp – 8000 hours.
Gabar. sizes, (SHKHGKHV) mm, no more: 970х632х1180. Russia

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Left-luggage offices of the sterile UFK-1 tools
Left-luggage offices of the sterile UFK-1 tools
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