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The gynecologic viewing chair of GRACIE (the Borcad company, the Czech Republic) with integrated videokolposkopy, a possibility of connection to the device ultrasonography and a tool bedside table guarantees modern and favorable conditions for your client. A modern and kind situation for the doctor and the patient with emphasis on ergonomics and efficiency of carrying out gynecologic inspection.
Integrated into a chair kolposkop and the LCD monitor reduces requirements to space and increases efficiency of inspection. The little table for tools increases comfort of the doctor at inspection by means of fast availability of material and tools.
Landing height of a seat and support for legs is low does landing simple and for less mobile patients. Advantage of GRACIE integrates a chair and a couch in one device.
Technical parameters:
Increase 1,5 - 20 multiple zooms, 10th multiple digital zoom). Diameter of a visible surface is 3 cm (at the 10th multiple zoom). Working distance of 24 - 33 cm. Depth of focus is 1 cm (at the 10th multiple increase). LCD monitor 17 permission 1280х1024. Formats of preservation png, avi.